Trimble MEP Software Training

Hands on training to ensure you get the most out of your software

Trimble Connect Basic 3D Training Course

Who should attend?

This course is for anyone who needs to access, collaborate on, and share construction project data and 3D BIM models - from MEP Design Engineers to Estimators to Draftspersons to Project Leaders. There is no prior knowledge needed. Note: Trimble Connect Foundation course materials are included within this training.

Aim of course

By the end of this course, attendees will have a practical level of competence to use Trimble Connect as a collaboration platform for 3D BIM models and data, plus a high level knowledge of Trimble Connect's 2D viewer.


Upon completion of the course, the delegate will have understanding of:

  • Getting-started with Trimble Connect
  • How to set-up a project
  • How to use the project browser
  • Set up a template project.
  • Set up a folder structure
  • Manage teams & permissions
  • How to upload data
  • File sharing and syncing
  • Licensing
  • The 3D viewer
  • The fundamentals of the 2D viewer
  • Viewing properties
  • Measuring in 3D with Trimble Connect
  • Annotation and views creation and placement
  • Setting To-do's for collaborators
  • How to use the sync tool
  • How to use Trimble Connect in the field

Duration: 1 Day Cost: £334.00 +VAT

We are sorry but there are no dates available at the moment for this training.

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