Release Notes: Trimble Electrical Designer 2D

Welcome to the Trimble Electrical Designer 2D Release Notes page. Here's what's new in ProDesign, Protect, SingleCable and PowerNet.

This page summarises the latest improvements, bug fixes and new features that are included

in the latest version of the Trimble Electrical Designer 2D Suite of products incorporating ProDesign,Protect, SingleCable and PowerNet.

Trimble Electrical Designer 2D now supports BS 7671:2018+A3:2024 requirements for Electrical

Installations. When creating projects in Amendment 3, all references will now show BS


CIBSE verified

CIBSE's pioneering Software Verification Assessment program, the first of its kind in the UK, has verified our electrical demand, cable sizing, and protective device calculations. You can confidently rely on the accuracy and efficacy of your calculations.

ProDesign v22.0.30

This release incorporates a number of behind-the-scenes performance, reliability and security improvements besides the following feature improvement. For more information on ProDesign, please go to GB/products/prodesign


  • [MEPEL-9845] The Inverter component now has additional improvements on Data Entry.Users are now able to see new columns such as:
  • [MEPEL-9845] The Inverter component now has additional improvements on Data Entry.Users are now able to see new columns such as:
    • ID
    • Name
    • Manufacturer
    • Model
    • Part Number
    • Voltage Drop Limits(%)
    • Output Rating
    • Comments
    • Voltage
    • SPD
  • The Inverter component now has additional improvements on Custom Reports. Users arenow able to use the new details mentioned above to generate reports.

Resolved Bugs

  • [MEPEL-7941] Fixed a bug where the “Edit Keypad Settings” would not work properly when using the Replace Device function in the Protection Study.
  • [MEPEL-10267] Fixed a bug where an error does not get triggered when a cable connected to an Inverter exceeds the defined voltage drop limit.
  • [MEPEL-10634] Fixed a bug where a calculation was not possible if there is an SPD in the downstream cable.
  • [MEPEL-11265] Fixed a bug where a user is neither able to open a previously created project nor save a newly created project.


This release incorporates a number of behind-the-scenes performance, reliability and security improvements besides the following feature improvement.

For more information on Protect, please go to


This release incorporates a number of behind-the-scenes performance, reliability and security improvements.

For more information on SingleCable, please go to

Resolved Bugs

  • [MEPEL-7941] Fixed a bug where the “Edit Keypad Settings” would not work properly whenusing the Replace Device function in the Protection Study.
  • [MEPEL-11265] Fixed a bug where a user is neither able to open a previously created projectnor save a newly created project.


This release incorporates a number of behind-the-scenes performance, reliability and security


For more information on PowerNet, please go to

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Upgrade procedure

In order to upgrade your software to this new version, you need a Trimble ID. The ProDesign suite of applications will notify you when an application update is available for User Licence. For further support, please see the following Technical Assistance section.

Software Update Notifications

The ProDesign suite of applications will notify you when an application update is available for download.

In case your software has received any calculation updates, you will be notified with a “Calculation Service Version Update'' during the first instance of calculation.

In case your software has received any calculation updates, you will be notified with a “Calculation Service Version Update'' during the first instance of calculation.

Named User Licensing

All products within the Trimble Electrical Designer Suite (ProDesign, Protect, SingleCable and PowerNet) are now powered through named user licensing. This means that users have dedicate licences assigned to their own Trimble ID and ensures everyone uses the same, up-to-date calculations and content. This empowers you to significantly reduce the risk of design discrepancies that occur when different versions of the software are used within your team.

To learn more about this and moving to a Trimble Electrical Designer subscription, call our sales team on 01908 608833 (opt 2). If you have any questions regarding the licence management and accessing the product, please contact our support team via the details below.

Technical Assistance

Our Technical Support team uses a support tool which allows them to view and control users’ machines remotely. This is only ever undertaken with the user’s permission – and while being supervised by the user.

Our applications have a menu option link to the support web page containing details of this assistance should it be required. For more information, please contact our support team via Amtech or call +44 (0)1908 608833 and then choose Option 1, and then Option 1 again.

UK Customer Portal

If you are a registered customer, please login to the Trimble community portal for downloading the software and to access other related information. If you are not registered yet, please contact our support team as mentioned in the Technical Assistance section.